Sunday, April 24, 2011

Portal 2

Basically everyone who is into gaming has heard about portal at one point or another, it started out as an independent game but was picked up and released by Valve with great success. It was a game I fell in love with because it was so different from everything else I had played, it made me think in a "portal" mindset. Which basically means I didn't just have to rush into a room with a weapon and shoot the bad guys, it encouraged creativity. As for the sequel although it is VERY entertaining and probably worth the buy for most portal fans still lacks the ability to become a stand alone game. Altogether I got probably no more then 15 hours of play time between single player and co-op which was quite disappointing seeing how the game cost me $50. Not only this but the game has no real replay value other then showing it off to your friends who have never seen the game before and impressing them with how cool and innovative it actually is. Anyhow still a great game but could have been so much better if it had something along the lines of a level customization/creation for online play.


  1. still waiting to try it!

  2. I started playing this game today! I haven't beat it yet though.

  3. I'm excited about it, can't wait to play

  4. seen it on steam, not sure if i want to part with the money tho :P

  5. I've played through it and thought the ending was brilliant.

  6. I would like to play it

  7. I always thought the first one was just a gimmick, like Valve were saying "hey, look what we did, cool, huh?" This second instalment however, seems far more like an actual game than a series of loosely related puzzles

  8. I want this game SO BAD. Have you played the flash version? pretty fun for flash

  9. I finished the co-op and single player in two what a headache I got.

  10. I'm still waiting to get it-- I need a nice little chunk of time to play through it without all this "real life" stuff getting in the way

  11. I loved the first portal but the cost :O. It costs $100 in shops in Australia and since I don't have any money online, that's the only way I can get it. I think I'll hold off buying it until Christmas when they'll halve the price of it :P

  12. I agree, it's pretty fun, but after playing through it you kinda feel that you want more for your money. Theres an SDK out with a level editor right? or they're releasing one. I'm not sure.

  13. I loved Portal!
    So excited to buy and play the second one!!

  14. I guess i have to try this game. You are the 5th person to recommend it to me... following...

  15. i like Portal 1 better

  16. I'm gonna sit this one out for two reasons.
    1. I've never been good at puzzles
    2. I can't run it on Windows 98.

  17. I found Portal 2 hilarious, but i agree with the level creation/editing idea.

  18. Nothing like buying this, Mortal Kombat, and a nice PSN card right when the network crashes :(

  19. The only video game I can convince my gf to play.
